The Top Benefits Of Using Jumbotron Rental For Small Business Advertising

In today's fast-paced world, capturing the attention of consumers has become an increasingly tough challenge for businesses of all types, but especially small enterprises vying to make their mark. Among the almost limitless number of advertising methods, one that stands out both literally and figuratively is the use of jumbotron or LED screen advertising. These giant screens, known for dazzling displays seen in Times Square or at major sporting events, are no longer exclusive to big corporations with deep pockets. Instead, they have emerged as a dynamic and accessible advertising tool for small businesses as well.

Mobile jumbotrons offer the right blend of size, brightness, resolution, color and even audio, that can capture the attention of passersby like no other medium. Their growing popularity is most evident in high-traffic areas – bustling city centers, busy shopping malls, sports arenas and concert venues – where they become focal points, drawing the eyes of thousands every day. This visibility is a game-changer for small businesses, offering a platform that was once thought unreachable.

So, how can you as a small business owner harness the power of LED screen rentals for your advertising needs? We’re here to show you.

Let’s explore the tangible benefits of this modern advertising medium – from its unparalleled visibility and flexibility to its surprising cost-effectiveness. Whether you're a local boutique, a start-up, or a family-run restaurant, understanding how to leverage this technology can elevate your advertising strategy, enabling you to reach a wider audience and create a lasting impression in the minds of potential customers. Here’s how a jumbotron will help your business shine brighter!

What is a Jumbotron?

view looking up at Times Square LED screen advertisements

First, you may be wondering, what is a jumbotron? Often interchangeably referred to as an LED screen, it’s a large, non-projection video display that uses Light-Emitting Diode (LED) technology to display images and videos. These screens have become a staple in modern advertising and event broadcasting due to their bright and vivid displays. The term "Jumbotron" originally referred to a specific brand of screens, but it has since evolved into a generic term for all large-format LED displays.

The technical aspects of jumbotrons are impressive. They are designed to be large, providing high visibility even from a distance. The resolution of these screens can vary, but they are typically high definition to ensure that images and videos are crisp and engaging. The versatility of jumbotrons is another significant advantage. They can display live feeds, pre-recorded videos, static images and even interactive content. This adaptability makes them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Jumbotrons are commonly used at large-scale events where visibility is crucial. This includes sports events, where they display live action and replays, concerts and festivals for close-ups of performers, and busy urban areas like Times Square, where they are used for advertising and broadcasting news or entertainment. Their ability to captivate large audiences makes them an invaluable tool in these settings.

What is a Mobile LED Screen?

Stellar XP's 17'x10' mobile LED screen at a UCLA sporting event

In contrast to the typically stationary or modular jumbotrons, mobile LED screens offer a dynamic and more affordable solution. These screens are built onto movable platforms, such as trucks or trailers, allowing them to be transported and set up in various locations. This mobility makes them ideal for events or advertising campaigns that require a portable visual solution.

The technical capabilities of mobile LED screens are comparable to their stationary counterparts. They offer high-resolution displays and are capable of showcasing a wide range of content, from live videos to interactive graphics. However, the size of mobile LED screens might be more constrained due to their need for portability. Despite this, they provide a significant visual impact and can be strategically positioned for optimal viewing.

Mobile LED screens are used in scenarios such as for outdoor events, roadshows, parades and temporary installations where a permanent screen is not feasible. They are particularly useful for targeted advertising campaigns, as they can travel to specific locations to reach the desired audience. Plus they’re incredibly easy to use since they already have all of the necessary technical capabilities on board – from WiFi to audio to streaming support and much more. Simply plugin a laptop or smart device and you’re all set.

For those interested in exploring the optimal size for an LED screen rental for an event, consider the insights provided in this LED Screen Rental Size article. It offers valuable guidance on how to calculate the right size for maximum visual impact, an essential consideration whether you're opting for a stationary jumbotron or a mobile LED screen.

Benefits of LED Screen Advertising for Small Businesses

led screen displaying a company logo in the middle of a city center

A Canvas That Can't Be Ignored: Visibility and Attention-Grabbing

Imagine your advertisement not just being seen, but being impossible to overlook. That's the power of a jumbotron. In the bustling landscapes of urban centers, crowded events, or busy marketplaces, these mammoth screens stand as beacons, cutting through the sensory overload with ease. They don't just display your message — LED screens command attention. For small businesses, this means an unprecedented opportunity to shine in the most crowded of spaces, ensuring your brand is not just another drop in the advertising ocean.

The Art of Personalization: Customizable Content

Your message needs to resonate with your audience, and with LED screens, customization is your trump card. These digital canvases allow you to tailor content specifically to your audience's interests, time of day, or even current events. Imagine showcasing a special breakfast menu to morning commuters or highlighting late-night specials to evening crowds. This level of customization creates a personal connection with viewers, turning a generic message into a targeted conversation.

Maximizing Impact While Minimizing Costs: Cost-Effectiveness

Contrary to popular belief, jumbotron advertising can be surprisingly cost-effective, especially when compared to traditional advertising mediums. Consider the cost per thousand impressions (CPM). With a jumbotron's vast reach and captivating presence, the CPM can be significantly lower, while the engagement and recall rates soar. For small businesses, this means getting the most bang for your advertising buck, reaching more potential customers without draining your marketing budget.

Agility in Advertising: Flexibility

The world changes rapidly, and so can your advertising message on a jumbotron. These screens offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing businesses to update content in real-time. This agility means you can capitalize on trending topics, react to market shifts or even update promotional offers instantaneously. This level of responsiveness is a game-changer for small businesses, enabling them to stay relevant and adaptive in a dynamic market environment.

The Magnetism of Engagement: Increased Engagement

Studies and case studies have consistently shown that large format displays, like jumbotrons, drive higher engagement. The sheer size, brightness and dynamic content captivate audiences, leading to longer viewing times and better recall rates. For small businesses, this increased engagement translates into deeper brand connection and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Broadening Your Horizon: Reaching a Wider Audience

Jumbotrons have the unique ability to reach audiences that traditional media might miss. Strategically placed in high-traffic areas, these screens capture the attention of a diverse and extensive demographic – from busy professionals in urban areas to families enjoying a day out. This broad reach is particularly beneficial for small businesses looking to expand their audience base, offering exposure to potential customers who might otherwise remain untapped.

In leveraging the power of jumbotron/LED screen rentals, small businesses stand to transform their advertising strategies from mere messages to memorable, engaging experiences that resonate deeply with their audiences.

How to Effectively Use LED Screens for Advertising

LED screen that says "Focus" displayed at a car sales lot

Crafting Captivating Content

The content on your jumbotron or LED screen is the heartbeat of your campaign. To make a lasting impression, focus on creating vibrant visuals that pop off the screen. Use high-resolution images and dynamic videos that tell a story about your brand. Clear, concise messaging is key; your audience only has a few seconds to absorb your message, so make every word count. Incorporate eye-catching animations or interactive elements to create a more engaging experience. Remember, the goal is to not just to catch the eye, but to captivate the mind.

Timing and Location: The When and Where of Impact

The effectiveness of your jumbotron advertising heavily relies on where and when it's displayed. High-traffic areas like city centers, popular tourist spots, and event venues are prime locations for maximum exposure. Timing is equally crucial. Consider your target audience and schedule your content when they are most likely to be present. For instance, advertising lunch specials during the morning commute can build anticipation throughout the day.

The Mobility Advantage: Mobile LED Jumbotrons for Small Business

For small businesses, Mobile LED jumbotrons offer a strategic advantage. These movable screens bring your message directly to your audience, be it a local fair, community event, or even busy streets. They provide the flexibility to target specific locations or events, maximizing your reach and impact. Think of a Mobile LED jumbotron as a moving billboard, one that you can position exactly where your potential customers are.

Synergy with Other Marketing Channels

Integrating your jumbotron advertising with your overall marketing strategy can amplify its effectiveness. Use your LED screen content to complement your social media campaigns, online marketing, and even physical promotions. For example, display social media hashtags or interactive campaigns that encourage viewers to engage with your brand online. This cross-channel approach can create a cohesive and powerful marketing ecosystem.

Measuring Success: Analytics and Feedback

To gauge the success of your jumbotron advertising, it's crucial to measure its impact. Use tools and metrics like foot traffic analysis, sales data during and after the campaign, and social media engagement levels. Collecting feedback directly from customers can also provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content and placement. This data not only helps in assessing the ROI of your current campaign but also guides the strategy for future advertising endeavors.

By combining eye-catching content, strategic timing and location, the mobility of LED screens, integration with other marketing efforts, and thorough impact measurement, small businesses can harness the full power of Jumbotron/LED screen advertising to make a significant mark in their market.

Challenges and Considerations When Renting A Jumbotron

technicians installing a modular jumbotron

Navigating Cost Concerns

One of the primary challenges faced by small businesses in utilizing LED screen advertising is the perceived high cost. While it's true that these platforms can require a significant investment, the return on investment can be substantial if managed correctly.


  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Before committing, conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Consider the potential reach and impact of a jumbotron ad compared to other forms of advertising.

  • Budget-Friendly Options: Explore different rental options. Mobile LED jumbotrons can be a more budget-friendly choice, offering the flexibility of shorter rental periods and targeted campaigns.

  • Shared Advertising Space: Consider sharing screen time with other businesses. This can reduce costs while still providing significant exposure.

Choosing the Right Location

Selecting the ideal location for your jumbotron is crucial. A poorly chosen location can lead to a lower return on investment, regardless of the quality of your ad.


  • Research and Analysis: Conduct market research to identify areas with high foot traffic that aligns with your target demographic.

  • Location Scouting: Physically scout potential locations to get a feel for the audience and the environment.

  • Mobile Flexibility: Utilize mobile LED screens to test different locations without committing to a long-term contract in a single spot.

Content Relevance and Engagement

Creating content that resonates with your audience is not always straightforward. The content needs to be engaging, relevant, and appropriately targeted to make an impact.


  • Audience Understanding: Invest time in understanding your audience. Tailor your content to their preferences, interests, and behaviors.

  • Professional Assistance: Consider hiring professionals for content creation to ensure high-quality and impactful advertisements.

  • Feedback Loop: Implement a system to gather feedback on your advertisements. Use this data to refine and improve your content.

Technical and Operational Challenges

Operating a jumbotron or LED screen involves technical know-how and logistical planning, which can be daunting for small businesses unfamiliar with this medium.


  • Rent a Mobile LED Screen: Rather than permanent installations or modular systems, mobile jumbotrons can be setup and run by simply plugging them in and pressing a few buttons. They provide maximum ease of use, and contain everything you need on board, lowering your stress on the big day.

  • Expert Partnerships: Partner with experienced operators who can manage the technical aspects of jumbotron advertising.

  • Training and Resources: If handling in-house, invest in training for your staff to manage and operate these systems effectively.

Compliance and Regulations

There can be local regulations and compliance issues related to advertising on large screens, especially in public spaces.


  • Legal Consultation: Consult with legal experts to understand the local advertising regulations and compliance requirements.

  • Permit Acquisitions: Ensure all necessary permits are acquired in advance to avoid legal complications.

By addressing these challenges with well-thought-out strategies and proactive planning, small businesses can effectively leverage the power of jumbotron/LED screen advertising to catapult their brand visibility and engagement to new heights.

Embracing The Future Of Advertising With LED Screens

The advent of jumbotron advertising has opened a new frontier in the realm of marketing, especially for small businesses. These vibrant, attention-grabbing screens offer a multitude of benefits: unparalleled visibility in high-traffic areas, customizable content tailored to specific audiences and times, cost-effectiveness that challenges traditional advertising methods, and the flexibility to adapt to market trends and consumer behaviors swiftly. Additionally, the option of mobile LED jumbotrons brings advertising directly to the audience, amplifying reach and impact.

For small businesses, this is not just about advertising; it’s about creating an unforgettable presence in the market. jumbotrons offer a unique way to connect with customers, leaving a lasting impression that goes beyond the fleeting moments of viewing an ad. It's an invitation to make your brand a part of the everyday landscape, a constant conversation with your community.

We encourage small business owners to consider this dynamic and impactful advertising method. Whether you’re launching a new product, promoting a special event, or simply looking to increase brand awareness, LED screen advertising can elevate your marketing strategy to new heights. For more information or to explore how this technology can benefit your business, we recommend contacting a jumbotron rental service.

Are you searching for an LED advertising partner?

Stellar XP, based in the Bay Area and serving the entirety of the West Coast and beyond, will help you deliver your company’s message. Our massive 17’ x 10’ screens that go anywhere and include full on-board technical capabilities, can captivate an audience in a way that no other screen can. We even offer graphic design and live camera feeds, among other event management services. Get in touch with our team of AV experts today to see how we can reshape your marketing efforts!

Stellar XP